------ Submit an OS/2 Problem Report ------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << THIS SUPPORT IS ELIGIBLE FOR U.S. CUSTOMERS ONLY >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please enter the following information about the OS/2 problem. Contact Person..: __________________________________ Telephone during 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM: _______________ One Line Description of the OS/2 Problem: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter "Y" or "N" for each of the areas causing/affected by the problem: OS/2 System: __ Installation: __ Printer: __ Communications: __ Application: __ Programming: __ Database: __ LAN: __ Trap: __ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please enter the following information about the OS/2 ENVIRONMENT. Hardware: Software: Vendor: ________________________ OS/2 Version: ____ CSD Level: _____ Model : ________________________ ES Installed:(Y/N) CSD Level: _____ Total Ram: ___MB LS Installed:(Y/N) CSD Level: _____ Display Type: __________________ HPFS or FAT File System: __________ System Disk Size: _____MB Application: ______________________ LAN Type: ______________________ Application Vendor: _______________ Communication Adapter(s): _______________________________ Application Type: _______________________________ _______________________________ DOS......................:(Y/N)____ Other Adapters or Boards: DOS Windows..............:(Y/N)____ _______________________________ OS/2 Windows.............:(Y/N)____ _______________________________ OS/2 Full Screen.........:(Y/N)____ _______________________________ OS/2 Presentation Manager:(Y/N)____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please enter the following information about the ERROR that occurs. Enter "Y" or "N" for each of the error occurances that apply: Predictably: __ Randomly Often: __ In Result: __ Error is Constantly: __ Randomly Seldom: __ In Data: __ Recreatable: __ Can this error be duplicated on more than one system?: (Y/N) __ Did this function work correctly in a previous version or CSD level?: (Y/N)__ Enter any error messages that occur: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a TRAP occurs and results in the 16 bit trap display (similar to the following ), enter any of the trap values that you recorded: SESSION TITLE: _______________________________________________________ TRAP _____ AX= _____ BX= _____ CX= _____ DX= _____ BP= _____ SI= _____ DI= _____ DS= _____ ES= _____ FLG= _____ CS= _____ IP= _____ SS= _____ SP= _____ MSW= _____ CSLIM= _____ SSLIM= ____ DSLIM= ____ ESLIM= _____ CSACC= ___ SSACC= ___ DSACC= ___ ESACC= ___ ERRCD= _____ ERLIM= _____ ERACC= ___ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ If a TRAP occurs and results in the 32 bit trap display (similar to the following), enter any of the trap values that you recorded: TRAP _____ ERRCD= _____ ERACC= _____ ERLIM= _____ EAX= _________ EBX= _________ ECX= _________ EDX= _________ ESI= _________ EDI= _________ EBP= _________ FLG= _________ CS:EIP= _____: _________ CSACC= _____ CSLIM= _________ SS:EIP= _____: _________ SSACC= _____ SSLIM= _________ DS= _____ DSACC= _____ DSLIM= _________ CR0= _________ ES= _____ ESACC= _____ ESLIM= _________ CR2= _________ FS= _____ FSACC= _____ FSLIM= _________ GS= _____ GSACC= _____ GSLIM= _________ THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION ## _____: _________- _____: _____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is a PRINTER problem, please enter the printer and printer ouptut information. Printer Vendor: __________________ Print From: Local: (Y/N)___ Model : __________________ Network: (Y/N)___ Driver Name: __________________ Host: (Y/N)___ Port(s) Used: __________________ Printer __________________ Attached to: Local: (Y/N)___ __________________ LAN Server: (Y/N)___ LAN Requestor: (Y/N)___ Print Data Description: Host: (Y/N)___ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is a COMMUNICATIONS problem, please enter the information on Host Communications used. Enter "I" for each type of communications installed, "P" for the problem: 3270 DFT: __ 3270 SDLC: __ 3270 Etherand: __ 3270 Token Ring: __ 3270 X.25: __ 3270 PC-Net: __ 3270 Gateway: __ 5250 Workstation: __ SNA APPC: __ APPN N/2: __ SRPI: __ EHLLAPI: __ Asynchronous: __ Host Print Control: __ 5250 WSF, PC Support Feature: __ OS/2 1.3 EE Communications Manager: __ ES/2 Communications Manager: __ Number of Ports: ___ Modem Vendor: _____________ Modem Speed: __________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is a LOCAL AREA NETWORK problem, please enter the information about the LAN involved. LAN Server: LAN Type: _____________________ OS/2 2.0: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ OS/2 1.3: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ LAN Adapter, onboard Memory: Novell: (Y/N) NSD Level: ________ _________________________ ___MB LAN Requestor: OS/2 2.0: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ Dos LAN Requestor: OS/2 1.3: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ Version: ____ Novell: (Y/N) NSD Level: ________ CSD Level: ________ Other: NOVELL Netware Only: Print Server.................: (Y/N) "Blue Box" Number: _____________ Domain Controller............: (Y/N) LAN Driver: ___________________ Additional Server............: (Y/N) Driver Date: __________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is an OS/2 DATABASE MANAGER problem, Please enter the information about DataBase Manager problem. Error occurs when database Primary Error Code: __________________ is being accessed as: Secondary Error Code: ________________ Stand Alone.........:(Y/N) Drive DataBase Manager is on: __ Requestor...........:(Y/N) Database Server.....:(Y/N) Drive actual database is on: __ Using RDS...........:(Y/N) Using LAN...........:(Y/N) Is the database drive LAN redirected? (Y/N): __ Error occurs in which module(s)?: SQL logic in application is: Query Manager............: __ Static SQL..................: (Y/N) DataBase Manager.........: __ Dynamic SQL.................: (Y/N) Application..............: __ Both Static and Dynamic SQL.: (Y/N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do you want to be contacted by phone about this problem? (Y/N): __ Please enter the detailed information about the OS/2 problem. Problem Description: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE REVIEW ALL OF THIS PROBLEM REPORT BEFORE SENDING. When you are ready to send this OS/2 Problem Report, send the form via CISMAIL to --- Base problems - Base Support, 76711,610 ES/LS problems - ES/LS Support, 76711,611 THE IBM OS/2 INFORMATION EXCHANGE Primary Sysops Frank Andress 76711,176 Brian Proffit 75300,1466 Assistant IBM Sysops Mel Hallerman 76711,174 Irv Spalten 76711,175 Mike Kogan 76711,212 Assistant Non-IBM Sysops Larry Finkelstein 76702,1354 Guy Scharf 76702,557